What’s it like to be on dialysis?

What is it like to be on dialysis?

In my last post I asked for your help in preparing a video for people who have just been told they need dialysis.  It’s a scary time and the first thing most people look for is information they can trust. Who better to provide that information that the BigD community?

I was asked for the video by MaryAnn & Rajiv in Bangalore, India.  They are putting together a range of videos covering dialysis and transplantation.  The video I have prepared has a short introduction then a series of 1 – 2-minute interviews where we asked a broad cross-section of people on dialysis four questions:

  1. How did you feel when you found out that you had to go on dialysis?
  2. How did you feel after you had been on for a few weeks?
  3. How long have you been dialysing
  4. How do you feel now about life on dialysis?

In the Indian video, the interviews are shown together.  But for the BigD blog, I have linked them as separate files, that you can pick and choose as the fancy takes you.

We videoed the interviews using an iPhone 5.  Some people were on dialysis, others not.  Most are in English, though there are also Hindi and Italian versions at the bottom of the page.

Obviously, if you want to make a video (in any language), please do!  Send the file to me via email (or Dropbox or whatever) and I will process it for YouTube add it to the collection.

So, for your viewing and listening pleasure, here is our first BigD Voice-of the-People video post.

2 thoughts on “What’s it like to be on dialysis?

  1. HI Greg -I have just watched all of these videos and they are fantastic! It is so nice to see some familiar faces to remind me of my Australian “Dialysis Home” from here in Munich! Karla


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